After the challenges of the past 24 months, businesses face yet another challenge, maybe the biggest yet, the struggle to find, attract, and retain top talent. Whether you are looking for Boilermakers, Administration Assistants, or Civil Engineers, one thing you may have noticed, we are currently in the most challenging market we have ever experienced.
Speaking with Tier 1 companies through to small Family business owners, one element stands out, we are all in this together. Job attractiveness and what candidates are looking for, is no longer just based on pay rates, it is a combination of many factors. White Collar are looking for flexible working arrangements, including working from home and flexible work hours, and attractive renumeration packages.
Blue collar candidates are looking at shift durations, overtime opportunities, project Incentives, site uplift, base rates paid with penalties, paid travel, employment duration and attractive allowances. It is a candidate market, with no shortage of options and offers available to those on the search for their next employment step.

So how is business reacting to this? From the discussion with many business leaders across multiple industries, it is fair to say, they are struggling. It is a real challenge. They can’t grow their business if they don’t have quality recruitment practises, and good conditions to meet the current market. The market has changed dramatically. Placing an Advertisement on SEEK in this current market, won’t get you the results or quality applicants. All good candidates are already working in this market. It is a search and find a market, which takes much longer to uncover and attract the candidates.
Businesses whom are not allowing for flexibility, not listening to the market, not pivoting and changing the way upon which they recruit, lack networks and a database, are finding position after position remaining unfilled. Candidates understand much more clearly than ever before, what they require and what they won’t accept in a role and what makes a business attractive to work for, to achieve job satisfaction. Complemented with unemployment at an all-time low, businesses processes need to be reframed to support and attract talent in this new era.
If you are finding recruitment difficult or wish to have a coffee to discuss how to improve your recruitment process, please feel free to contact me on 0477 616 786 or
Melinda Maher
Business Development Manager