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Local vs FIFO

Posted 17 April 2023

A significant number of people are employed by Industries within Australia that are remote and require a FIFO (Fly In Fly Out) roster. Whilst there are many obvious advantages and disadvantages when comparing Local work to FIFO work, some factors are harder to measure.

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How to Write a Cover Letter

Posted 01 February 2023

Formatting your cover letter can be challenging, so here are a few tips to help tick the hirers' boxes and help to get you closer to your desired opportunity.

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How to optimise your LinkedIn profile for 2023

Posted 11 January 2023

Create a LinkedIn profile that showcases your skills, experience, and achievements to a broad audience of professionals, helping to advance your career.

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The importance of being a “STAR” in an interview.

Posted 06 October 2022

Many well-qualified people have missed out on landing great jobs because they weren’t prepared for the STAR method of interviewing.

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Things You Should Never Say in a Job Interview

Posted 19 August 2022

Are you saying things that could be making it difficult for you to get into your next role? Sometimes, it doesn’t take much to spoil your chances in a job interview. They may seem like simple things, but to hirers, they could be a deal-breaker.

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When an Opportunity Arises, RED Appointments Rise to the Challenge!

Posted 11 July 2022

Last month, RED Appointments were approached by a large national company to support them urgently with shutdown labour.

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