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How to Write a Winning Resume - Resume Tips Part 2

Posted 21 June 2022

Is your resume doing an excellent job of selling you to potential employers? Is it strong enough to be able to stand out from the competition? You may have the skills and experience, but if it is not communicated well enough in your resume, you may be missing out.

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Questions you should never ask in a job interview.

Posted 24 May 2022

If you are an employee or an employer, knowing what you can be discussed in an interview situation is essential. From inquiries that sound discriminatory, to questions that are too closed to get a deep enough answer, you must be able to get the most from the short time you have in an interview situation.

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What should you never ask in a job interview?

Posted 24 May 2022

If you are an employee or an employer, knowing what you can be discussed in an interview situation is essential. From inquiries that sound discriminatory, to questions that are too closed to get a deep enough answer, you must be able to get the most from the short time you have in an interview situation.

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How to Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile for 2022

Posted 11 May 2022

With over 12 million registered users in Australia*, LinkedIn has become increasingly universal in recent years, no matter what industry you are in. LinkedIn is no longer just the destination for the top end of town, wannabe CEOs and real estate agents.

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The Challenges of a Tight Candidate Job Market

Posted 05 May 2022

After the challenges of the past 24 months, businesses face yet another challenge, maybe the biggest yet, the struggle to find, attract, and retain top talent. Whether you are looking for Boilermakers, Administration Assistants, or Civil Engineers, one thing you may have noticed, we are currently in the most challenging market we have ever experienced.

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Interview Questions Employers Need to Ask

Posted 27 April 2022

You have a pool of great candidates to interview, now how do you make sure you are choosing the one with the experience you need? Gut feeling can get you only so far, but how do you know for sure that the person sitting across from you will be the right person for the job? The problem is anyone can say how they would like to act in a hypothetical situation. However, a great candidate will have had the experience previously and be able to tell you how they overcame issues and solve the problems you need to make your business thrive. Behavioural interview techniques are a tried and tested, industry-standard method interviewers use to test applicants’ actual industry experience.

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