What not to say in an interview
Are you saying things that could make it difficult for you to get into your next role?
Sometimes, it doesn’t take much to spoil your chances in a job interview. They may seem like simple things, but to hirers, they could be a deal-breaker.
To be prepared, RED Appointments has provided some tips to help you ensure you don’t say things that could be a barrier between you and your next awesome opportunity.
Don’t badmouth your team or boss
Be careful not to say anything harsh about your previous teammates, managers, or the business. It could come across as spiteful and make you seem difficult to work with.
“I hate my job”
When asked why you are leaving your current job, make sure you say it is for positive reasons like “I am looking for a job with career progression” or “I want something more challenging”.
“What do you make here?”
Do you know the basics of the business? At the bare minimum, make sure to Google them, look at their website, read the about us page, visit their social pages, and get a feel for what they do and why you would want to work there. The more you know, the better.
Don’t overshare
Some small talk is ok, but don’t go too deep into details about your personal life.
Know when to stop
Keep it to the point! If your responses drag on for too long, you will spend time that could be spent going over more critical details. Practice some succinct answers that include the essential information.
“What time is happy hour?”
Avoid any party talk, this can turn some employers off immediately.
In some industries, it may be common, however, many people find cursing very coarse and will automatically strike you off their list.

Tell the truth
There is a chance your new boss will speak to your old employers, so make sure you don’t embellish on your experience. Also, it can be a small community in many industries, so word can get around.
Excessive buzzwords and acronyms
Avoid “disruptive, unprecedented synergistic pivots”, it doesn’t impress anyone. Please keep away from acronyms unless they are universal industry standard terms.
“When do I get to go on holiday?”
Especially on the first interview, make sure not to ask about holiday leave. It may come up later.
“No, no questions”
At the end of any interview, you will have the chance to ask your own questions, this very important opportunity should not be wasted. It shows that you are interested in the business and what it can offer you as a new employee.
Make sure you have at least a few questions up your sleeve to ask your interviewer.
A few examples are:
What are the things you like most about working here?
You will be hoping for some definitive, confident answers that fit your working style.
What will be some of the more challenging parts of the role?
This is good to know, especially if the problems they may be facing are within your skill set.
How would you describe the culture of this organisation?
You want to find out if the organisation has the same values as you, views on work-life balance, and if the day-to-day reality of the role will be something that will satisfy you.
We have some more tips on questions to ask at the end of an interview in our blog that can be found here:
If you’re looking for a new opportunity, make sure you look at the vacancies on our job search page: https://redappointments.com.au/job-seekers/latest-vacancies